What Is an SEO Audit and How Much Do They Normally Cost?

Have you been hearing all about SEO and that SEO is what you need to look at to make sure you have the web presence you need to help you reach your business goals? If so you might be wondering what is an SEO audit. If this sounds like you then you are in the right place!

We are going to teach you all about what an SEO audit is and how much you should expect to pay.

What Is an SEO Audit?

First, let’s go over what an SEO audit is – it is the first step to create an implementation plan to give your site measurable results. The audit will identify the foundational issues that are affecting organic search performance.

With a good audit you will be able to catch the following issues:

  • Website structure
  • Technical
  • User experience
  • Potential off-site
  • On-page
  • Content gaps and opportunities
  • Competitive marketplace insights

Some people think an SEO audit should only happen once but the truth is that it should be done on a regular basis. This is like a “doctor’s visit” for your website to make sure its “health” is in check. Because algorithms are constantly changing keeping up with SEO is more important than ever before.

What Should You Expect

A complete SEO audit should take between 2 to 6 weeks. An SEO specialist analyzes and uncovers SEO opportunities on your site. The specialist should check in with you or your team during this period either weekly or biweekly to make sure that you are kept in the loop on what is going on and to share the opportunities discovered right away.

Once the audit is complete your SEO specialist will go through all the findings in detail and what they recommend to help your site. A good SEO team should go over a roadmap to help you reach your goals and recommend the best backlink checker to help your site.


The truth is that an SEO audit cost will vary. They can cost between a couple of hundred dollars or a couple of thousand dollars. The cost is based on how much data the auditor has to work with.

You can find a company that charges a set monthly price for ongoing SEO and that can range between $300-$2000 a month or higher. They are definitely an investment that offers plenty of value. In today’s world, your website is the “hub” of your online brand which means that everything has to be in working order in order to have your “storefront” in order.

Think of your website as living digital property. You would not let your physical store become a mess or unorganized if you want to have a good presence when your clients walk in right?

What an Audit Should and Should Not Be

An audit should be comprehensive, it should not be something that is done in half an hour. You should have a bigger picture of everything that is going on in your site at the moment. Just because SEO is complicated to understand this does not mean your audit should be difficult to understand.

An SEO audit should be easy to understand. The auditor should be able to break down the lingo to make it easy for you as the business owner to connect the dots and see how your current website state is affecting your search rankings.

Your audit should also have a clear path to completion along with actionable recommendations.

Your audit should not be rushed as we mentioned earlier. A true audit will take time to uncover the root causes of any issues that are affecting your site. Your audit should also not be one size fits package. Every single website is different and some will require more time than others.

Ready to Improve Your Visibility?

With an SEO audit, you can get ready to see your website traffic improving. Your online visibility will improve in search engines once all of the recommendations after the audit are applied. Your audit will come with the most valuable keywords and new keywords to improve your presence online.

Your team can focus on using the valuable keywords from the audit and in turn rank higher for those keywords when people looking for your products or services are searching.

Think about when you are searching on Google or a similar site, do you ever go past the first page of results? More than likely you do not. Most people choose a site from the first page.

Now think about your site, what if your website is showing up beyond the first page? This means that you are missing out on all the people that are searching and choosing your competitor’s site over yours because they appear on the first page.

Feeling Like an SEO Audit Pro?

Now that you know what is an SEO audit and what to expect as far as costs go you should be feeling like a pro. As you can see SEO auditing is a critical checkup for your website and your business. There is more to an online business than just putting up a site and hoping that people find your digital storefront.

An SEO audit will help you discover anything that is wrong and you will also find where you can improve. Now it’s time to find the best SEO auditor for your site!

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