As a UX designer, you will often have to manage multiple projects at different stages of development. To be able to bring complete them on time, you will have to learn how to juggle these tasks effectively. Although this may seem an initially daunting prospect, it can be quite straightforward.
Always Take the Positive Approach
First things first, you must always approach each new day with a fresh and positive attitude. There are so many benefits to bringing a positive attitude into work and, although work will be stressful and hard at times, it is important to remember that even the largest of problems can be approached in small sections. A positive outlook will make your tasks seem easier and your day fly past.
Look After Yourself
You know your own personal limits better than anyone. Overexertion will lead to stress and a poor working standard that will affect your other projects. Make sure you are able to switch off at the end of the day and walk away from your work.
In line with the positive approach above, make sure this applies to your attitude towards your work pile. If you managed to finish multiple parts to a project the day before, and most importantly if your schedule allows, reward yourself with a lighter day’s work to recover.
Master Multitasking
The true art of multiple project management can be attested to multitasking. Being able to multitask will allow you to switch between two projects quickly. Learning how to place more priority on your projects over menial tasks like repeatedly checking your emails will boost your productivity and allow you to focus more time on the tasks needed to get through your workload.
What if you don’t think you are that great of a multitasker? Don’t worry, it is easier than you think.
Be an Effective Team Player
When projects are nearing their deadlines, you need to be firm about your workload. If a colleague or even a manager swings by and asks for help with a task, don’t agree unless you are certain you have the time and energy to spare. Your projects should be your priority and by trying to be a nice person to someone else, you might land in your own difficulties later.
Try to offer a solution that will benefit both of you. If you are able to help them with their problem as soon as your own deadline is met, tell them that and try to arrange a time more convenient for both of you. If not, try to think of a resource or plan to help them in the meantime so you are not just flat-out rejecting them.
Take Advantage of Technology
Nowadays there are many different technologies available to keep an entire team on the same page about a project’s status. If you are a project manager, software like Kanban allows you to delegate certain parts of the projects to your different team members. You can also use Kanban for prioritizing the different tasks of the project that are either near a deadline or up for review. Try not to micromanage. By delegating through the software, let your team take the initiative and complete their tasks to the deadlines you specify.
As a team member, you can update your team with your progress and thoughts about different parts of the project. It does not matter where you all are in the world since, as the board exists digitally, it can be accessed anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection. These project management apps are great lines of communication. Ensure that everyone knows exactly what they are doing and what it will take from everyone involved to get the projects completed.
Finally, if you are working on multiple projects, a resource like Kanban will allow you to separate each one out into its own board. Therefore, even if they get tangled in your head, a quick look at your board will help you reassess and reaffirm your projects as you feel the need to.
Try to Finish At Least One Thing Everyday
It may sound silly but it works. When juggling multiple projects, it is easy to switch back and forth on each one and do a little bit here and there. This method blows your productivity out of the water and will leave you with a mountain to tackle as the deadline creeps closer and closer.
At the start of each day, choose one task to complete by the end. No matter what happens to the rest of your workload throughout the rest of the day, this task must be finished. If you focus on finishing it early in the day, pick another and get started. Choosing to focus in quick, short intervals like this will do wonders for your productivity.